Bal di Carnivale

Jan 13, 2014 22:51

So excited about the upcoming GBACG event in San Jose.  The talented hostesses are putting their brilliant minds together to delight and amaze the costuming community.

Saturday, February 8, 2014 - 6:00pm to midnight
Hotel Sainte Claire, 302 South Market Street, San Jose, CA

Revelry and mystery await you in 18th century Venice. The Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild invites you to the historic Sainte Claire Hotel for an evening to delight the senses, including a decadent Italian dinner, acrobalance and dance by the Dolls of Doom, luxurious costumes, gambling, dancing and so much more.

I for one will be there in all the Venetian splendor I can conjure up!  Wigs, masks and silk galore.... this event is a must for me so much so I would sell a kidney if I had too.... well, I only had to part with a bohemian garnet bracelet but the damn thing was far too big for my boney wrist, so its a win-win.

My sweet darling daughter has agreed to be my partner in crime that night and I will probably recycle her in in this one... Fear not... she just turned 21 mwhaha haha!

mask, gbacg, ball, 18th century costume, venice

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