Shuffle arse is through to Crufties by a 3mile victory!
Parentals are leaving this weekend. This leaves me wanting to rebel and have a huge party but I will resist as I hate tidying up afterwards. I daren't stay alone though, as I watched a rather scary programme on the Anti-Christ and Exorcism of Emily Rose which makes me shiver thinking about it. Hence to relieve scaredom and also tidying duties, have invited friendies along! Well, doggies friendies as they can help me dogsit the 5 dogs left in my care. Not sure that was a good idea really. I have Emma and Leanne coming to invade my house and also enjoy the copious amounts of sweets and chocolates that have also been left in my care.
I have discovered the wonders of Mozilla Firefox (thankyou
moderately_lea) I have become an addict, especially seeing as that Safari crapiness installed on my imac was driving me mad. At the moment I am on the laptop, watching Corpse Bride. It is one of those films that you don't have to concentrate on, although it shall never beat Nightmare Before Christmas which I love muchly. Re-watched The Village last night too, I must say it was much more enjoyable that first time around and I have now met an amigo who also likes M.Night.Shyamalan films (*cough* and she has a great dane called Heidi!)
I also feel that some commission is due soon as I have now got the Travelodge at Yardley (I think!) so much business! As yet, Leanne, Kim, Maxine, Helen, Emma, Alan, Bailey, Me, Mum, Jet, Poppy, Emma, Emily and Vicki are staying there. It will be interesting lol, maybe I can shift my dogs off on someone and they can take them forever :-P Johoking, I loves my dogees.
I like making big, waffley posts, they remind me of my English essays at school - thank god I gave that up! J'ai deteste l'anglais, I want to be Francious instead but I can't see it happening; my Yorkshire accent is too strong.
Lucifer, K-amian, any other name I may go by....
Moooo hahaha