Apr 02, 2006 15:31
I saw this on someone's LJ and felt I'd steal it.
I cut down the beginning, but here it is:
Name the 8 things you fear most, with an explanation (in no particular order)
1. Death. The whole idea terrifies me, I hate to hear about it or listen to people talk about it. It is just the most frightening concept I am aware of, just not being there anymore. I mean do you become a ghost? Or does your life just end like that :-S
2. Failure, I hate the idea that something I try hard at failing. Fair enough if I did A-level theatre studies and got a U, I wouldn't be bothered as I know that I'm crap but if I failed at something I tried so hard to perfect I would be mortified.
3. Something happening to my parents. I mean, what would I do? I feel like I know nothing without them.
4. Something happening to my dogs, I mean the worst thing I fear is for them to go missing. If I knew they had been PTS, i would have been devastated but I'd know where they'd gone. I have been to Marina Kennels, I wouldn't want my dog to die like that.
5. Being unhappy. :-(
6. Moths. I have mottephobia, not a stupid lie, I actually have an irrational fear.
7. Having a fit. Believe me, they are the most terrifying things ever, especially when you know you'll have one and can't do anything about it.
8. Being attacked etc n so forth...
I have so many things I'm frightened of looking at that there...