[fanfic] Of Mothers And Unfortunate Brand Names (AKA Shopping Fic)

Sep 19, 2008 18:32

Title: Of Mothers And Unfortunate Brand Names
Pairing: A glimpse of Asami x Takaba
Fandom: Viewfinder (duh)
Disclaimer: I own nothing, even Akihito's mother is not mine (she's Akihio's, of course)
Warning: None, except for, maybe, poor writing
Rating: PG
Beta: rose_mina
Author's note: I have written it ages ago and went on hiatus before posting ^^' I hope someone will enjoy it anyway :]

He didn’t usually dislike crowded places. He even liked some of them, such as festival areas and amusement parks. But not malls. Oh God, how he hated malls. He hated shopping in general but shopping in a mall was the worst. Only one thing could beat it.

Shopping in a mall with his mother.

“Akihitooo~,” a pleasant but impatient voice called out. “Stop slacking off and come here. You’ll help me with the trolley.”

The boy sighed resignedly but sped up regardless to catch up with the woman. She was such a lovable woman most of the time. Her chocolate cake was the ‘World’s Best’ and she was there to help him anytime he needed her. But why she felt the need to go shopping with him every time he came home was beyond his understanding. It was a ‘woman’ thing, he guessed.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. But I don’t believe you. You don’t need me to push the trolley. You just want to buy me something again.”

His mother grinned. “You’ve always been a smart boy. Now, try this shirt. Don’t you think it’s nice?”

Three hours later, Akihito was the ‘happy’ owner of four new shirts (all with flipped-up collars), six pairs of socks (stripped, of course) and a new pair of blue jeans. He didn’t want to recall how many pairs of jeans he had tried. He was dead beat tired and a bit pissed off. He wanted to go home, lie down and play one of his old games, or at least take a nap. He definitely didn’t want to go to another section of the mall.

But his mother did.

“But Mom, I don’t need you to buy me all of these things,” Akihito finally snapped when they entered the drugstore section. “I can afford things like soap and shampoo by myself. I can make my own living, I am an adult after a…” He suddenly stopped when he noticed the change on his mother’s face. “Mom, don’t be sad. It’s just that I…”

“Yes, you are an adult. And you can support yourself, I’m very well aware of that.” She paused for a moment, and then looked into his eyes. “You don’t need me anymore…”

“Mom!” Takaba tried to cut her off but the woman silenced him.

“I brought you up with all I had, all by myself. For years, I was the most important person in your life. But now that’s changed. You changed, somehow, too. You’re more serious. You’re different and yet the same. And I’m not trying to stop you, to change you back. Because I understand that it is no longer me who should decide how you live your life. It’s you. And I believe you’ll make the right choices. I can’t do much for you but I can at least spend some time shopping with you.’

Akihito didn’t know what to say at first but then he just smiled.

“People tell me all the time that I am stubborn and act silly at times. Now I know who I got it from.” Then he kissed her on the forehead. “It’s not true that I don’t need you anymore. I do, but in a different way than I used to. You’re right, things changed and I changed too but I’ll never change enough to stop being the person you’ve brought up. Now, let’s move on with the shopping. I think I need shower gel, too.”

The woman smiled.

“Great. I already know which one to buy. One of my friends bought it for her husband and it smelled really nice…”


Akihito was lying on their couch, curled up, warm and comfy. He was back in their suite in Tokyo with Asami in the shower, music playing quietly in the background, and a warm breeze blowing in through an open window. He was thinking about his last visit home, thinking about his mother. He should visit her more often. She missed him. He missed her too, when he had the time to think about it; but he was pretty much occupied all the time, with one thing or another. However, she had more time to think about him and to miss him.

Maybe he should tell her about Asami. Would she understand?

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Asami was finished with his shower and was approaching him with a smug and amused look on his face. Asami leaned low enough to almost touch the boy’s ear.

“Akihito…” His low voice and warm breath surprised Takaba, causing the boy to flinch lightly. “Should I think of it as a challenge?”

Takaba turned, startled and a bit confused. “What challenge?”

The smirk widened as Asami handed him his new shower gel. The one his mom had bought him.

Written on the label was: “STR8”.

That night, Asami did everything he could to prove Takaba wrong.

And Takaba knew he needed to have a serious talk with his mom, soon.

I hope the coding won't get all screwed up... Pasting from Word can be tricky at times.


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