for all of you whose birthdays i missed while i was away from LJ but especially for you, sara, because it's your birthday today :)
lovers i wish you all the best, sara ^_^
hope you are having a blast of a day, together with your friends and family (and that spending time with them involves lots of presents and a cake). let this day be the beginning of the new, wonderful year of your life :)
about the pic: it was supposed to be two guys, obviously :P but somehow one of them came out more like a she O_o so it's your choice :D it's either a girl or a feminine guy :> (pekul said it's a guy without even a bit of doubt, but then she said she always expects me to draw guys xD)
i know it's kinda sketchy and very lightly colored, but i swear it was supposed to be like that :P i have a thing for lightly colored sketches and there's no better way to color them than in a graphic program (crayons don't look good on a pencil).
i hope you like it anyway :]
i guess it means that i'm back :P
over the time i was away i moved, i got a job, i became what most people refer to as: an adult.
i'm still not sure about the "responsible" thing though.
i guess i am still me :D
*hugs for all my friends*