some random stuff

Sep 18, 2007 23:25

Ah yes , I'm stalling on homework progress once more.  I'm so sick of chem right now.  This review set is taking me four hours to do because I have to solve the problems, rewrite the problems, and then rewrite the answers in a pretty way to make the chem graders happy.

...anyway, enough bitching from me for the week, I'll write about happy and random things for a while instead of complaining about homework.

Statement: CS profs are the funniest people on campus.  
Proof 1: a quote from the professor's email footer -
 "In any large population, there are some people who aren't very bright.  That's not their fault, it's just in their genes.  As an engineer, I have a responsibility to design things that won't kill off the slower ones, just as I have a responsibility to design things that won't harm my neighbor's dog."
Proof 2: they LOVE to make us do problems that involve 42.  Almost every math programming problem involves 42 as the answer.  
Proof 3: when the professor in proof 2 was asked "why do you keep using 42?", he replied "because it is the answer to life, the universe, and everything"

Statement: Our dorm completely sucks at inter-dorm sporting events and frankly don't care  (go apathy!)
Proof 1: Two nights ago when we had a waterpolo game with another dorm (and lost) the opposing dorm came by shouting "Sontag (the name of my dorm) sucks!"  My suite-mate retalliated by saying "But we have kitchens!"  (Sontag is the only dorm with 1 kitchen for every 5 people instead of the average of 1 kitchen per dorm).  ^^
Proof 2: We have a designated dorm jock and a dorm-full of females who refuse to participate
Proof 3: For several years, Sontag has been named 'the retirement home for seniors'  ^^; 
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