Speed Reading and stuff

Jul 24, 2007 21:24

Last night I went to my first speed reading class. The teacher is amazingly nice and uberly young. Mostly everyone there came with a friend, so I was glad I was able to talk to the lady across of me. I think she's a kindergarten teacher. It was ackward trying to implement all the new reading techniques, but sort of fun in a dorky way. My initial reading speed is 550 words per minute, but it went down to 320 after I tried the techniques O___O What's up with that? I dunno what's considered a 'fast speed,' but I'd like to double my reading speed if that's possible. The 2.5 hours went by really fast - I love the book we're reading right now for class.

Rat movie on Thursday!!! I'm looking forward to that. What time are we meeting at Ward?

I want Bleach soundtrack!!! I think it's sort of strange if Toys n' Joys has it for $20 but everywhere online has it for $30-40 dollars on sale. Makes me wonder if the copy they're selling is legal >_< Oh well, I'm probably going to buy it from them anyway.

I'm on episode 102 - aww...I'm slowing down.

speed reading, bleach

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