Have a more useful Post:

Mar 18, 2008 15:13

"Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don't blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don't blog about, but you'd like to hear about, and I'll write a post about it." - Do it.

In other news:
I just officially changed my major. Got my nifty little advisor information card too.

Now, this means that I am going to lose my computer ;-;

I'll be stuck with- as the boy who was changing my major for me said - a "Stinkpad".
This macbook has been very good to me. even if it does eat power-cords and occaisionally believes that 51% battery life is not sufficient.

I will miss it.

However, this brings me to my next issue:
Maggie, you still have my mini-thumb drive. o-o I let you barrow it over break, to give you the katamari soundtrack-
Do you still have it? lol

if not, it's no big deal. and if you do- YOU'LL HAVE TO VISIT ME THIS SUMMER *cackles*

no really. I'm going to burn all of my beloved everythings onto CD's over the next few days, before I will be forced to give up my pretty.


majors, maggie, macbooks, meme

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