
Feb 19, 2007 23:53


I missed my ED201 class too often to recieve credit for it anymore.
I'm so good.
I think I've royally fucked myself this semester.
and getting sick last week sucked too.

I think my brain has issues.
and nobody knows what to do about them.

Psychiatrist said if I wanted I /could/ switch medications-
but also that it sounded like what I really needed was therapy.

my counselor told me- in short- that I was just wasting our time in our meetings.

I'm going to ask for my meds to be switched next week.

I'm going to switch my concentration-
from Art Education/Illustration to Art Education/Printmaking.

and, I want to learn how to do glass blowing.

Lumi is doing well in his new cage. =3

best "Fish" ever.

education, fish, lumi, sick, classes

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