Apr 01, 2010 13:58
I had just one rat at the beginning of spring break, Taxi.
after spring break, Andrea got 2 baby rats (1 Black Berkshire Rex; KitKat, 1 Black Berkshire Double Rex, Kassie). She lives in the dorms, so I'm caring for them until summer.
A couple weeks ago Christy told me of someone who was moving and had a rat that needed a home.
So I went to pick Him up.
The new rat's name was Corky. I brought him home in his own cage and then took him out to play and get to know me better.
The previous Owner told me Corky was a guy, but when I had him out I noticed that he was missing some typically noticeable male parts, and indeed had female ones. WHOOPSIEDAISY.
So, I'm also trying to rename Corky, Maggie suggested I name her Kite. we'll see if it sticks.
so, I just introduced them all in the same cage, after keeping them separated, then going through a 'get to know you' play session or 3.
I also bought some new toys to occupy the 4 rats I know have.
It's really entertaining to watch them all play. Taxi and Corky are both around 9 months old, and Kassie and KitKat are about ... well almost 2 months.
KitKat has become the ruler of the cage, and will chase down the others in playful wrestling matches. Taxi has been acting as a mother to the babies, cleaning them and herding them around the cage.
Kassie, being a double rex, lost most of her fur when she shed her baby-coat. and it's just now growing back in, SUPER ADORABLE. and she's by far the softest rat i've ever felt. =3