
Oct 06, 2008 08:53

They're serious business.

also, scary as fuck.

Mom, Boy and I were at our cabin for Thanksgiving break.
Our cabin however was actually our rental house from back in Holland, and we had a shit ton of neighbors.

Boy and I had been doing yard work because Andy was gone.
I don't know the reasoning behind it, but my mum thought Boy had done something wrong.

So wrong, in fact, that she killed him. right there in front of me.
I was shocked and confused and worried... but mum told me it would be alright- so I went back to doing the yard work.
after i was done, I noticed bones and organs... and... Boy's head in mum's car.
I ran inside... and found her cooking.
she had gutted and butchered Boy...

Being OCD I immediately needed a shower.
afterwards I clambered out of the shower, grabbed a towel and RAN out of the house in a panicked frenzy.

I ran past neighbor after neighbor, clutching my towel. Dogs barked, the sky rumbled, and the people BBQd.

I stopped running when it got dark and I sought shelter in someone's home.

The dream fast-tracked by doing a first person summary, I had been running for several days... always staying one day's distance ahead of my mum and her hounds.

I texted stephanie and jorie with the following message
"I'm so scared I've been running through town Naked. please help"

Stephanie: 'blinks'?
Jorie: 'lolwut?'

then Boy's spirit showed up...
"Stephanie is closest, see if you can seek shelter with her... "

so I texted her again: "I need a place to stay ASAP, can I crash at your place"
Stephanie: "sure...?"

So i trekked a round-about way back to the cabin to retrieve Iron Hide.

My mum was there waiting for me... And she was angry.

Boy's spirit showed up and blocked her long enough for me to get into the car... which had all the windows down.
I started it, and she yelled
so I told her, it's my car... I rolled up the windows.

she started pounding on them...
I put it in reverse... and ran over her foot.

I called Ben to tell him I wouldn't be able to work in the summer
I called Alden to tell him he shouldn't come down for Thanksgiving.

I woke up shaking... and I couldn't remember if Boy was alive.


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