Jan 29, 2006 22:14
My interest in photography is growing. When I'm bored, I take pictures. I have some really neat ones too, actually. It would be cool to go to college for that area. That might actually be my happy thoughts from now on. Thank you live jorunal entry for putting my life in a sense of direction.
I've been extremely sarcastic to everyone lately. I'm sorry if I offended you. Actually..that was sarcasm as well. So yah. HAHA!
I went to the Butler with my aunt, my mother and my grandma yesterday. It was lovely. We got some food and then just walked around and looked at some amazing photos. Anyone want to go again? It would be lovelyyyy.
So last night after eveything we went back to anna's and I dont know what was with her cat but it might have tried to attack me atleast six times. Then anna got in a fight with it and everytime she tried to touch it it would like scream at her. Not hiss, literally just go
"RAAWWRRAHH!" It was really funny.
Today is one of the first times my cousin Josh and I have went somewhere and haven't broken out in to rapid name calling
"your a dirty whore" fight. Congratulations us.
I drove today. Alot. It was nice.
2 weeks until Cinci with Caitlin.
Shinedown's coming back. And I think I'm going. Yay!