May 11, 2007 17:28
A. I am gothic by fashion and by nature. why? I constantly refer to myself in third person..and yeas...I want money, people who say material things dun count already have them ~_~;; or have enough money not to care, the rest of us mere mortals have to croung a livin.
me? I study, yes, work on the farm and get BILLED to live here, my father has earns 6-8times what I do...doesn't have to do ANYTHING and bills me and takes 70-80 ofmy money (so outta300 bucks a month work it out ~~)
and for what? get moaned at all day then lectured for over an hour after dinner ~__~;;
geeez I wonder why people think I'm fucked up, been the same room...for 7-8 years...studying....working on farm...
durrrr...he's obessed with canines and wolves and likes purple, and computers, and has long hair, ohh nuuu must be gay, sadly is not, gay people are talented, me? I suck at anything but driving.
mmm sata dvd burn wiill arrive next week....YAYness when that happens