May 21, 2007 00:29
i had the most awesomest day. yes im making words up again.. :) it happens
havent laughed that much in a while. :P
went to collect pine cones from the other side the property like dad wanted. the trike was busted. so went for the ride on mower. yes lazy.. shh... lol.. doin fine. got a few cones. gone this is a bit like hard work. lets stop..then.....
silly silly Dan... oh looks like the mower can go down there, looks like more and easier to get to pine cones...and kates going.. no way, its wayyyyy to steep... thikn dan listens? no.... 2minutes later he is almost stuck in a massive blackberry bush and only feet away from a mini creek thing wiht teh mower.. hahaha
i couldnt help but sit down and laugh and see how he was going to get it out of there... well an hour later, a lot of pushing, pulling and laughing later... we got it out. dan was a tad worried we wouldnt get it out and he'd have to tell dad. hahaha. i didnt tell him til we got it out that its worth about 3grand. lol.
then we get back to the house and look down and the trailer thing had a flat and we were like... oh oh.. but its ok. it just gets them apparently. then dads like.. so.. how many u get? we went.. the bucket out the front. and we got a ... all that time for that...kinda look. lol
didnt tell dad til a bit later what happened. he laughed and said he suspected that something like that may happen. thankfully :)
and then.stuf. got a rather nice message for me left on here :) :) everytime i read it, it makes me smile. tahts all..
and im hungry again. LOL