Sep 20, 2004 19:36
For those who have seen it, please respond!
1. What do you think of the carpets in the Seattle Public Library? Specifically the ones with the huge botanical prints?
2. Has anyone seen the auditorium curtain? Touched it? Thoughts?
Sorry if I blathered on in my last post, but I want you to share your reactions!
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Sorry I couldn't jot down my impressions sooner - I wanted to reflect for one thing, but I also wanted to see whatever I could find online. (I wanted the challenge! LOL)
Ok - I've been a book-rat all my life, from book-browsing, to the heavy-research-you-need-to be-so-concentrated-so-you-can-read-the-whole-reaserch-paper-without-falling-asleep-and-most-importantly-understand-what-it-is-about *GASP!* Yeah... you ALL know what I mean... and Human Toxicology was so much easier than Advanced Human Genetics. Honest!
Your post reminded me how my surroundings were so important to the speed I absorbed information, but also I found out that in some libraries I felt so much more stimulated than others for specific things. Example: For abstract research, I performed way faster and better in a modern environment where tables had white surfaces, chairs had an industrial feel (not too comfy), noisy ambiance was ok, carpets were some kind of dark blue, mostly plain. (Remember we all wear boots in winter in Montreal... so add some plastic carpeting in heavy traffic areas - not fashionable... just practical) Where I needed to get through those research papers and put my thoughts together, I needed more *hmm* -antique- surroundings, like a lot of wood tables, and chairs, and red/orange carpeting, wood shelvings, etc.. You know the kind we would find last century? I went to Concordia, so I was blessed to have older and new to choose from.
About the carpet you showed that was still in the loom - I think it is fantastic! This would be "MY" kind for "production". Personally I think it is lively!
When I saw the "Greens" carpet, I thought it was so cool! I never imagined putting green in a library! Probably very soothing!
I hope this is the kind of reaction/comments you banked on getting....
If not, well... it was interesting!
the library at my school is designed aesthetically in a way that appears very beautiful, but the chairs are uncomfortable and the vent system roars in an annoying way.
back when i did my undergrad, i would spend hours at the microfiche machines in the basement of the library of mt. holyoke. Just me, alone in the dark of that great big castle-like library with all the images of century-old newspapers whizzing by on film...
Prints like the carpets in the pictures would be fun to screenprint, wouldn't they?
Have you ever thought about screenprinting fabric yardage or wallpapers?
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