it happened for me again...

Jul 28, 2009 11:34

Once again.. only 6 months and 1 day after my last lil accident with my car, I found myself in a accident again last friday. On the highway on my way from my home to Copenhagen two cars in front of me hit each other, and since it was raining I couldn't stop my car in time to avoid a third car which hit the second car.. there was lots of confusing but luckily I was the last car and a military car was driving not far behind us and they quickly redirected the traffic and helped all of us..

Now I'm once again standing without a car, my neck and back are sore and this accident will once again drain me dry from money which means that I won't be moving out any day soon and I won't be going to AnimagiC this coming weekend either.

But no worries, overall I'm fine and I'll somehow pull through this too. I was told to basically sleep this week away because it's hard for me to concentrate on anything because of the pain in my neck. But now since I just ruined all my plans for this week, I probably will scans lots instead - if I'm able to concentrate on that! x'D

~ Mitte


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