life, an update

Dec 24, 2008 00:19

This is one of the rare occasions where I am going to write without already having a topic in mind. Hmm, maybe I'll do an update of things thus far.

Giftmas™ has snuck up on me, though I guess it really doesn't count because I celebrated in South Florida when I got back from New York (the second time) with Mike and his family. It sucks that I won't be able to spend it with mine this year, though it won't be the first one I've missed. I will definitely be down for Giftmas next year though.

Ah, my goodness, I have had a seemingly endless array of interviews with various magazine and news outlets over the past two weeks. I appreciate the 'Mekas over at MTV for doing promotion and whatnot, but I am totally over being asked (and, thereby, answering) the same questions over and over again. Our amoral friends over at The Gothamist and Gawker continue with judgmental, prejudiced banter about me and my ilk, and there seems to be a general consensus (at least via online bloggers) that by virtue of being a personality on TV I have irrevocably given them permission to vivisect me. While I agree that being in the public eye everyone has the right to form their opinions, however I expect those opinions to at least be based in, oh I don't know... fact. Heaven forbid someone form an opinion based upon your virtues and characteristics as an individual, when it is just so much easier to invent lies and skewer those you know absolutely nothing about. Vague generalizations ftw!

Silly me, there I go again with my naïve ideologies and ethics. When will I learn?

Anywho, things are drudging along just fine out here in the pacific northwest. I'm still enjoying snow, though that may primarily be because I'm not venturing outside. My car has officially given up on the whole blasted season, and I suspect that the next time she sees any real road time is in the spring. Unfortunately for poor Bullseye, spring in Montana doesn't start until June.

Oh yeah, one of the Network Admin positions I was dying to get my nerdy little hands on disappeared. I received one of those polite but curt notices that they have decided to not fill the position. Damn economic recession. Oh well, there is still a sweet little gig up at the University of Montana that I am anxiously awaiting to interview for. Not only does the University have awesome bennies, it would also (potentially) mean a discount on my tuition for the fall. Double awesomeness.

On January 2nd I fly out to Los Angeles, where the people are more pretentious and self-absorbed than the second-rate journalists over at Gawker. We are supposedly doing this whole pre-show special with half of the house; so far the only other confirmed roomie is JD. I really hope Sarah and/or Baya will be there, I miss them lots.

Life with Mike is amazingly... normal, and is everything I hoped it would be. He may not know it yet, but he's going to marry me. Oh yes, he shall be mine. What can I say? I'm a girl who gets what she wants. Everything, absolutely everything, I have ever sought out to achieve in this life I have attained, and this is no different. I love that man, and one day he will call me his wife. Until then I'm content just leading our happy, normal lives.
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