Kate is making a movie?

Aug 23, 2011 18:50

So, this year I decided to write less fanfic and more of my own stuff.

Among the MASSES OF SHIT rotting on my computer, I wrote a short script. I was shitfaced when I wrote it, and I honestly do not know what possessed me to

For funsies, I sent it to an Adelaide director/production company.

And... he liked it.

And now it is getting made into an indie movie.

Which I'm co-direcitng, apparently... even though I have NO. EXPERIENCE.


I'm... yeah, I keep kind of waiting for someone to shout 'APRIL FOOLS'

Anyway. I am still writing fic, but I had a pretty surreal weekend, so I am behind. I finished my cake fic over the weekend though, waiting for it to get back from the betas :D

xxx Kate

happy!kate, writing, wtf, rl

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