"I don't trust myself loving you..."

Sep 20, 2006 13:56

Lol...what a wierd few weeks. School is fucked up this year. I don't know why really...but it just is. I miss the old days when coming to school was actually fun. Now I wake up in the morning and lay there for and hour trying to figure out a way to get out of going. Lol. But I go anyway.
Delima #1. I guess Josh is gay now? lol...it's like an epidimic. I'm just kidding actaully, he's not. I know he's not. But apparently it's currently under speculation. I begged him not to be though. I don't know if I can handle being responsible for "turning TWO people gay!" as everyone would like to think. lol. What a wierd wierd situation. I'm confused.
I think that I surround myself with the wrong kind of guys. Sigh...but I love them. At least they're not boring.
Delima #2. I have a C is English! Honestly! I fucking C!! How that happens I really don't know...wait! Yeah, I do know.......MRS. MUELHOUSSEN (<- horribly butchered) IS THE CRAZIEST LADY WITH OCD THAT I KNOW! She scares me. She's like this old lady caught somewhere between old and senile and it's making her crazy. Anyway, I hate her class and I want her to retire. Maybe we can make it an early retirement. Our grade does have a record of making English teachers cry (Mrs. Wolcott), or at least break down and cuss us all out for 30 mins. (Mr, Grigsby...thanks to yours truely HA!) But we'll see.
Then theres my math teacher. The epitomy of a "Hoosier!" He talks with this obnoxious Indiana drawl in his voice and often time he doesn't even complete whole words. According to him, the word MULTIPLICITIVE is said muuuul-plic-ive. Real annoying first thing in the morning...believe me.
I'm also convinced that Mr. Ping and Mrs. Winger are both in the drug business together. I don't know what Mr. Ping puts in his coffee before he comes to school every day, but I want some. Maybe it'll make me pay attention in his class more. Lol. Maybe not. But I love Mr. Ping, and I'm doing fine in econ even though it's by far the most boring thing I've ever been forced to study.
Mr. Zachary hates me. I don't know why, but he does. He intimidates me. I feel like I'm the kid that he talks about when all those teachers from that hallway eat lunch together.
Mrs. Veatch seems to like me. I like her a lot too though, even though I know Alaina and Jiss had problems with her last year. She compliments my hand writing all the time, so if thats what it takes then fine then, I'm not complaining.
Mr. Combs has gotten awfully cranky this year. I have the highest grade in that class (a high A), which isn't saying much when you look around at some of the people that are in there. lol. You'd understand. But I about gave him a heart attack when I walked into the room with a muffin yesterday. I didn't even see his midget ass in the room but right when I walked in her sniffed out my muffin and looked like he was gonna cry b/c there was food in his room. Lol, I found it humorous though, and walked back out with it. I walked around and ate it before going back to class. I've clearly lost all drive to impress any teacher this year.
My grades are okay though. I just have some attendence issues to work with. I missed a few days for my g-pa's funeral. Then a day for car shopping (or my fake dr. appointment..but what the nazi secretaries don't know, won't kill em') and now I'm home today with a mess of things wrong with me. My body hates me. I'm falling apart. Today I woke up with the worst cramps...on top of that my tendonitis has been getting really bad, and I woke up today with a foot so swollen I couldn't even get it into a flip flop. It looks like a have a bad case of cankles! Plus I finally let my mom look at my cyst, and she said it has to be drained. Okay, thats all good and well if they wanna put me asleep to do it, but I'm not about to let them remove a cyst on my head while I'm awake. Ya know those scary movies where the person has to be held down while the drs and nurses work on them...while the whole time they're kicking and screaming like a child? Yeah...thats gonna be me!! Oh lord, I don't handle pain well at all.
My mom prayed for me today so we'll see what comes of that....my guess is nothing.
Well I've sold my soul to Arnis, and I refuse to call in tonight, so I'm gonna go shower and attempt to haul my crippled ass into work in a while. Damn.
Peace out
- Katelyn

"I was the one you always dreamed of
you were the one I tried to draw
How dare you say it's nothing to me?
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw
I'll make the most of all the sadness
You'll be a bitch because you can
You'll try to hit me just to hurt me
So you'll leave me feeling dirty
cause you can't understand"
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