The Best Day of the Year

Jan 20, 2015 15:58

I don't get people who don't love their birthday. I figure they just aren't doing it right. ;) Although my son said, "Mama, maybe next year you can be a little less bossy on your birthday," I said, "Nope. It's my birthday." And I wasn't that bossy. He's just not used to us doing things for ME. That should change, more than twice a year (see also: Mother's Day: the other best day of the year).

All day yesterday, I kept just thinking to myself how lucky I was. Things aren't perfect or easy by a long stretch, but they are good, recognizably good. And for all those fools saying they are "29, again, ha ha," let me tell you, this year is gonna be hells better than 29. I know it. It is already started off in a really good place.

I started off yesterday by sleeping in. That doesn't actually mean sleeping all that late--it was maybe 8am, but it meant I got to get up slowly and as I wanted to. I was greeted with shouts of happy birthday, and requests for me to open gifts.

I sat down on the dog bed (in front of the wood stove, we often happily share, well, me happily and her grudgingly) and opened my gifts: a pair of super adorable sugar skulls knee socks from my daughter--she may have had a little bit of help picking them out, but she was excited, and I didn't know much I loved knee socks. So cozy and fun. Then I got a sketch pad ("drawing journal") and a set of watercolor pencils from my son. This was so unexpected and such a nice surprise. It wasn't on a wish list or anything, but I have been wanting to be more creative, and so they went to the art store and he picked them out. The epitomy of the perfect gift: something for me that I wouldn't have thought of or done for myself. Yay. Then got a beautiful Tibetan puzzle from my husband. I've been wanting an evening activity to keep me from just zoning out to TV and eating, and mentioend that maybe I should try puzzles. He picked a lovely one and I'm excited to try it.

There were a couple moments of whining, but I was albe to squash it with, "No whining, it's my birthday."

Then we went to Flight, the trampoline park. I love it there, and we can play together. While Eliza was the roughest I've ever seen here (it was really crowded and when someone--someone big and not paying attention or a big brother who is being a bit big-brothery--jumps along side her it tends to knock her down which I think hurts her body a little and her sense of fairness and self a lot). But I had a BLAST. Being active in fun ways feels so good.

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Then we all went to Stew Leonard's, a grocery store I wish were closer. They have the most amazing self-serve and I made myself a chicken tikka salad with pulled pork on the side. The kids could get pizza and mac & cheese and fruit and cucumbers, and Nana and Stephen got a little bit of everything--like, ribs, wedge salad, Indian, just so much. Yum.

Then home for E's nap. Nana watched some Bob with G while Stephen and I went for a walk. We walked about 2.5 miles. I love my neighborhood. I so rarely get time to hang with just Stephen, and when we do it is post-bedtime and we are piles of slush. So this afternoon walk was a real gift. I treated myself to a Reese's heart (which sorta looked like a butt but luckily tasted like all the season Reese's offerings, sweet and soft and yum).

Came home and got ready for a family trip to Ikea. We browsed and got a great deal on an over the stove microwave (read as: the gift of counter space for me, wahoo!) and while a couple items I wanted for G were out of stock, I look forward to returning to get them soon. Return trip, yay! Kids got to eat meatballs and watch a few minutes of Frozen, and Nana had dinner. Both kids got to celebrate with dessert. Home for bedtime.

The only rough part of the day (aside from Nana's minor hissy fit at the grocery store, but, meh, it happens, and I told her, "You can't swear at me, it's my birthday. Maybe you can instead tell me how I can help." Tongue. Out. ) happened at this time, and may get its own post later. Good intentions, poor, unexpected consequence.

Successful bedtime and then grown up clothes and a night out with my husband. Quite possibly the best meal ever.

Cocktail. Verde. It involved tequilla, kiwi, jalepeno, and awesomeness. OMG amazing.

Oxtail mushroom croquettes. Three of my favorite words, together!

Stephen's dinner, pork. Friggin amazing. My dinner: duck breast Whoa. No words.

Apple tart with lemon ice cream. HOLY AMAZING! Note the birthday candle to the side. Made a wish. Happy birthday!

In the end I was happy and feeling blessed, and made a near all time high of over 15,000 steps. Moving is good. Family is good. Food (used carefully) is good. Life is good.
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