
Jul 04, 2014 11:25

Just generally feeling like a waste of space lately. Spent three weeks losing three pounds, gained it all back in a week. FMMFL.


I feel I am only qualified for jobs I hate, and lately I am hating every minute if it and still desperately behind in money.

I cut our budget way way down. Like no kids activities that cost money. No new clothes for anybody. No eating out. Coast whenever possible to save gas. Nothing for the house despite projects that need to happen. And we have cut spending way down. Which I'd feel proud of if we were actually getting by. Currently the best we can do seems to be some over income instead of a ton over. Which means every month we sink deeper, with no escape plan in sight. If I think about it too much I will puke. It would be nice to stop seeing those nasty red negative numbers glaring at me from Mint.

It feels like all the other grownups are moving up the ladder, and I keep landing on the chutes.

via ljapp

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