Mom post

Dec 03, 2013 20:21

I don't know how some moms do it, soothe a baby without breastfeeding.* Eliza bonked her head (for the zillionth time) and wailed. Inconsolable. I bounced, I sang, I hugged, I shushed, I nuzzled. Nothing. I whip out the boob. Calm. [Note: this also works for some dudes. Sorry. Couldn't resist]

*Disclaimer: this is in NO WAY a comment on parenting/feeding/tata choices. Whatevs. This is about me. Me as one mama who has a bag of tricks consisting of just one trick. Well ok technically two.

ALSO: (warning for mention of diapers): E has a nasty case of diaper rash so we are using disposables while we medicate. I must admit, I like the allure at times. When I go out I can fit 5 diapers in my purse and still have room for other stuff! As the day progresses my bag gets lighter, not heavier! I'm not planning to switch--cloth: I love the planet she will inherit. I love the savings. I love the cuteness. I love that when she poops it stays in the diaper (OMG yesterday she had poop up her back to her ARMS! How is that possible? Disposable diaper physics freak me out.) But, for a few days, a sposie break is a break.


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