Ummm So Kate almost died...again...

Jun 28, 2005 00:48

So My roomate of last year...Kate...who is the biggest masshole driver into a car accident after all her times braggin of NEVER getting in an accident....

This is her story..

flipper- the accident saga---- sagas are all i write apparantly
so the other day i got into a big car accident. i was at work, driving along a back road to the first of my 4 deliveries i had at the time. well i chose an inoppurtune time to look down at my map to make sure im goin the right way. now, i dont know if i didnt realize i had a stop sign or i just didnt react in time, but the next thing i know, i went coasting through a 4 way intersection and slammed into the side of a car driving straight across the intersection. the air bags immediately popped out, and my car spun 90 degrees. the car i hit ended up FLIPPING OVER and landing on its roof about 20 feet away. i got out of the car right away. my arms were all scratched and bruised up and 3 of my knuckles on my left hand were really bruised. i was shaking and completely astounded at what had just happened. it was so surreal to be just standing there at the scene. the guy in the car behind me tried calling 911 right away, but there was no service. luckily he lived near by, so he took off to his house to phone the police. meanwhile, there was like 5 other cars around, everyone got out and was trying to help. the woman in the flipped over car was moaning and it sounded like she was in a lot of pain, so i got really scared. i couldnt stop looking at the flipped car and then the total demolition of the front end of my flower van. it was so....well, surreal is the only word to describe it. 2 guys somehow managed to pull the woman out of her car and it turns out she was an old lady. i was still shaking reallly bad, but i went over and apologized profusely to her. she held my hand, told me she was ok, and the only thing wrong was her bruised right boob. then we both laughed and everything seemed ok for a minute. but then the cops came and it was real again. a really nice emt guy talked to me and i explained that i was in the middle of delivering flowers and i needed to let the shop know. he offered to call them for me, and i gladly accepted because it woulda been so weird calling and going 'hi, its kate, i just wanted to let you know i got in a pretty big accident, im alright, but i ruined 4 arrangements and the van'. so then my cute emt guy was all like 'i'd suggest you go to the hospital. i cant make you cuz youre 18, but i strongly suggest it just to make sure you're ok.' i didnt really wanna go cuz i was ok except for arms, which felt like they were burning, but then like 8 other people told me to go, so i said ok. then this fire fighter lady was all like 'YOU CANT BE MOVING AT THE SCENE IF YOURE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL, YOU NEED TO BE IMMOBILLIZED. GET THAT OLD LADY IMMOBILIZED TOO! STAND IN FRONT OF ME AND IM GUNNA HOLD YOUR NECK WITH MY HANDS TO IMMOBILIZE YOU'. from then on, i didnt move my neck for like the next 2 hours. i felt so foolish standing in the middle of the road with this ladys hands around my neck stabilizing me, cuz i was like IM OK. but i had to go along with it. then donna came from the petal patch to pick up the arrangements. i remember seeing her walking towards the van with her hands over her mouth and then coming up to me and looking so scared. and then funniest part about it was she had pigtails. i remember wanting to laugh at this 40 something year old woman wearing pigtails and looking scared. but then i realized she was scared for me and i just felt so bad. the whole time i was thinking HOLY SHIT I JUST GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT, but i was also thinking, oh no, i sure just fucked shit up. then donna was just like 'go to the hospital, get better, dont worry about anything but yourself right now', which for some reason, made me feel worse. she asked who she could call at home to let know, so i gave her my home phone number. i guess only ris was home tho, so she got real worried when she got the call :(. then they came and put a neck brace on and all that crap. from then on, all's i could see was straight ahead of me. then they put me on a stretcher thing and the guy was all like 'this is like a ride at disney world, only bumpier.' i didnt really say much for the next hour or so, only answered questions that were asked of me, i didnt really know what else to say. a cop came up to me and asked how fast i was going and i said 30, but i really had no idea. i know there was a white van like riding on my ass, so i was prob going faster than i shoulda been cuz i was being tailed. then i went in the ambulance. the emt dude who rode with me was kinda new or something cuz he was kinda clueless sorta. he put an oxygen tube in my nose and then like turned it up to turbo by mistake and then he was all like 'ooops sorry, dont wanna blow out your brains now do we?'. yeah i felt safe. no, im just kidding, he did his job, and i was really appreciative, i mustve thanked him 5 times. then he tried calling it in on the radio, but it like died or we got to umass and the driver was like where did they say we should go? and the emt guy was like they didnt say, the radio i think they guessed or somethin. then they wheeled me up this like wooden walkway cuz i guess theyre doin some construction or somethin. i remember just lookin up and seein all these people walkin by and i could only imagine what they were thinkin. cuz i know if someones gettin wheeled by me in a stretcher, i'm gunna stare and be like oooo i wonder whats wrong with him/her. then we got to some hallway and i guess it was really busy. i couldnt see anything of course, but they kept putting me somewhere and then moving me cuz i was in the way. then i found a permanent home in the hallway by the nurses station. my nurse was really, really nice. she called my mom again cuz i didnt know if anyone got ahold of my mom. she was on the way i guess, but lost in worcester cuz of the construction on 290. the nurse was all like 'shes ok, dont rush, take your time, shes ok, dont rush.' then she got off the phone and tells me that she tells that to everyone no matter how bad the person is, cuz she doesnt want the person to rush to the hospital and get in an accident or anything. apparantly a few years ago, she made a call and 5 people jumped into a car and came to see the person who was like me, not really hurt that bad, and they got into a real serious accident. ahhh, the irony. they kept asking me if anything hurt, and i kept saying my arms and knuckles. but they didnt do anything about it. they finally took off the frickin neck brace, i swear that made my neck hurt more than actually help it. and they finally propped me up so i could sit up and look around. after awhile, i got kinda lonely and was bored just sitting there. but then madre came, it was nice. she was crying sorta and hugged me a lot. they finally x-rayed my knuckles, but luckily those came out negative, they were just deeply bruised. that hurt the worst i think, probably because i had hurt those knuckles before by punching concrete walls at school. then finally after 2 hours, i got to leave. we kinda got lost looking for the exit and my mom musta told about 20 people "MY DAUGHTERS ALIVE!!! SHES FINE!" kind of embarassing, but cute in that motherly way. i was just so happy to actually be walking out of the hospital i didnt care. then we got mcdonalds hahaha and the phone calls started. took awhile to sort out everything at the patch. all weekend actually, and its still not done. i used to be under the table, but then i needed to fill out a w-4 form and they backdated it so that it looked like id been working for a week, so that way they could put in an insurance claim for the van. i had to fill out an accident report, and i dropped that off at the police station monday. i still have to fill out an insurance form to take care of the hospital visit costs. i got a $100 violation for running a stop sign. the cop said i have a chance at contesting it only becuase of the way the intersection is set up it looks like it keeps on goin thru without the stop sign. but i did hit another car, so obviously i ran the stop sign, so i dunno what im gunna do. but i better figure that out soon. so yeah. i worked monday and today again, 11-5ish. i use my car to deliver now and that kinda sucks cuz my car is so small. they give me gas money though and keep track of my starting and ending mileage each day. so that works i guess, i dont mind so much. well i gotta get up early tomorrow to go get a frickin oil change in my car cuz im 3000 miles over the 3000 miles youre supposed to go and thats not good when your job is driving. im sure the saga's not over, i'll prob have a court battle in the future, and somethin has to go on with the insurance and whatnot, so we shall see. to be continued at a later date....
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