this weekend was pretty sweet....

Apr 10, 2005 22:20

friday was totally awesome, bonfire at kaitys

*~it's all happening!!!!!~*
hahahah, me kaity and tay are sooooo bad

saturday me and kaity woke up early and went to the mall, then we went and had lunch at the olive garden, came home and took a nap, then went to rogers lakewood and waited for 2 FUCKIN HOURS for some dope head to give us our shit, totally pissed.
so FINALLY, around 10 we figure everything out.......
but im still pissed at YOU
then some sketch kids beat the shit outta ryen and billy, and that totally sucked, even tho i wasn't there, screw you kids.

me and kaity went to the beach and then went to pizza hut
then we picked taylor up and went on a fat cruise
then i came home and chilled for awhile
then kaity and tay came back over and we took kayla for ice cream and walked around downtown, came home, kulick and tayler came over and we chilled on the back porch, then me kaity and tay jumped on the trampoline and played on the swing set

wow...........that's accomplishment right there!

almost summer baby! hell yeah!

and i made cheerleading, so that's awesome

i don't work until saturday, that's super dooper cool

hm......what else........

i don't wanna go to school tomarrow, but i have to shower, there's prob sand in my hair
and that's not hott......def. not
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