Jan 25, 2005 19:11
I'm in a good mood.
I wrote a kick-ass English test for my eleventh graders and my mentor teacher just called to say that he wanted me know I'm doing a great job. I'm glad he called. He hasn't commented on how I've been doing in awhile and I thought he thought I was slacking or sucking or something awful. It's good to know he thinks I'm doing a great job, especially since his letter of recommendation will be sealed and sent to a private file that I never get to see.
Also: My 5th period class surprised me with treats today. They convinced my mentor teacher to drag me out into the hall so they could sign a card and pull out cupcakes. It was a very nice surprise. I love the card. Every single one of them wrote something really nice and sweet even though some of them act like they hate my guts sometimes. :-) I'm sad to go.