Title: Call It Freedom Pairing/Characters: Subaru/Yasu Rating: NC-17 Warnings: none Notes: Thank you to A and P and A again. pinkpapyrus, I hope you like it! Summary: Subaru and Yasu on vacation, just for a little while.
Loved this fic! The sensual beginning with Subaru watching Yasu and Yasu watching the unknown scenery outside. Subaru's sarcasm "I'm glad we came," he says quietly. Then, "Even if the food sucks." is priceless. The hot smut and the bittersweet end <3
I loved it! Specially the description of the scenery and the bell ringing and the feeling of being free without needing to worry about anything. The comments regarding the food were awesome as well XD And the smut part was great, too! Guh these two <3
Ahhh, this is so great!! I loved the ongoing theme of the church bell ringing as they're getting down to business, yesss. The sex great, hot and sweet and perfect for them ♥
I like that it's never made clear where they are - I had a few ideas in mind and I got to imagine different reasons for them being abroad for each of them. And I love the detail of Japanese fashion vs. outside-Japan fashion. I love the trope of them being in foreign places where they're unknown. :)
And the sex! It's so intimate and thorough and sweet, and it just showcases how well they know each other, which is exactly what I love about established relationship fic!
He writhes and moans, clutching at midair when he can't decide between reaching for Yasu or holding on to the sheets.
XD I'm always going to have this as my mental image whenever I watch Subaru doing emotional reaching when he sings.
"When we get home, I'll moan so loud you'll think you never left."
And that is my favorite line. :}
Thank you again for your hard work, anon! I'll be rereading this whenever I need some warm fuzzy feelings and a mood lift. ♥
Comments 7
Subaru's sarcasm "I'm glad we came," he says quietly. Then, "Even if the food sucks." is priceless.
The hot smut and the bittersweet end <3
I like that it's never made clear where they are - I had a few ideas in mind and I got to imagine different reasons for them being abroad for each of them. And I love the detail of Japanese fashion vs. outside-Japan fashion. I love the trope of them being in foreign places where they're unknown. :)
And the sex! It's so intimate and thorough and sweet, and it just showcases how well they know each other, which is exactly what I love about established relationship fic!
He writhes and moans, clutching at midair when he can't decide between reaching for Yasu or holding on to the sheets.
XD I'm always going to have this as my mental image whenever I watch Subaru doing emotional reaching when he sings.
"When we get home, I'll moan so loud you'll think you never left."
And that is my favorite line. :}
Thank you again for your hard work, anon! I'll be rereading this whenever I need some warm fuzzy feelings and a mood lift. ♥
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