The Picto-Personality Test
You are a person who is incredibly tranquil and values peace above all else.
When alone, you appreciate being able to do nothing if you want to, and setting your own pace for things.
You are energetic and are always making your friends go out with you.
In the future you will be happy and live richly.
Take this Test at All-Around Smart
You are all-around smart. Essentially, that means that you are a good combination of your own knowledge and experience, along with having learned through instruction - and you are equally as good with theoretical things as you are with real-world, applied things. You have a well-rounded brain.
0% applied intelligence
0% learned intelligence
Take this quiz at Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali should paint your portrait. You love to think about the world in a different way then everyone else. You are very ambitious, and you like strange things. You are curious about everything and love to learn.
Take this quiz at You are Romilda Vane
You love Harry. You are constantly trying to get his attention, and you won’t stop until he’s yours. Unfortunately, those chocolate frogs you put love potion in, may or may not be eaten by others… like Ron Weasley.
Take this quiz at hahahaha. that was exciting. especially that last one, Which villain from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince are you? lol...
HPGOF came out today! yay!