Jan 02, 2005 18:13
what is up?!?! its been awhile. i hope everyone had an awesome christmas and a great new year!! i did. my first christmas with someone sooooooo special was GREaT! =) i love that boy!! lol Lets take a flashback to 2004. we had some amazing times. good times. horrible times. but each was a lesson meant to happen. we learned a lot our senior year in school and learned even more from it when it was over. there were times we didnt think we'd make it...we'll never forget those people we lost. there were times we had so much fun we couldnt bare for it to end (myrtle beach spring break...how fun???) there were times when our friends-werent and we had to struggle, but all was made up for. there were personal times when u needed a friend and friends we were. there were times of triumph like winning our senior homecoming football game vs. lakota west. there were fun times like when anners came home to visit. there were joyous times when we began to apply and be accepted to schools that would split us apart...there break ups, make ups and new relationships that stirred. there were so many memories i cant even keep up with them. but most of all there was graduation. our graduating class is now halfway through our first year of college. we have had some really fun times and im so glad we are all, mostly still friends. i have to be honest when i say i didnt think a lot of us would even speak again and it really made me sad. but we have really stuck together. =) i really hope u all remember those we lost during times like christmas and new years. times can be so tough and just because we are in college now and somewhat far from each other...let it make us stronger not distant. hope everyone had a great break!
<3 ya bunches!!
katie bug.