Saw it!

Feb 19, 2007 17:29

I finally saw Taiyou no Uta the movie! Alas! I'll try my very best not to 'spoilerize' this post. XD.

Anyway... it was so beautiful! Magic! Though kind of sad. *sniff* I cried a bucket of tears after the ending. Stupid XP thing... T-T. Maybe I'll try to watch the series too (Same story different actors). Though the actress who plays Amane Kaoru is different.... Yes, I am a deranged fan girl of YUI. XD.

Anyway! It was like YUI was born to play the part (as Amane Kaoru!)! It suited her so well! And the songs, the songs were so nice I kept singing them all night! XD *spazzes*

You people should watch it! I recommend!~♥


We had our outreach today. We were sent to different families to help with the housework. Our pair didn't do much though, just cleaned a portion of a side table and then watched TV the rest of the day. o.o. I was kind of disappointed, I was expecting hard work. Ah well..o.o. I guess you could say we were lucky. But I really wanted to wash dishes and clean clothes or something. T-T. Ehem.

Oh and my Lola and her partner and two of my other classmates got left behind. o.o.

So that's why you weren't there when I was chomping on my fishball eh lola? I was looking for you! I kept mentioning to Sir "lola's not here yet! lola's not here yet!" But then... Sir Bryan doesn't know about our grandmother-apo relationship does he? XD

I have to recite the Gettysburg address in front of everyone tomorrow... brr.. I'm kind of nervous. Maybe I'll practice by typing it here...~ XD. Nah, that may be considered as spamming. Lol.

school, taiyou no uta, yui, outreach, gettysburg address

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