happy 2015!

Jan 01, 2015 13:09

Happy new year! YB stayed up to see the new year in, I stayed up till almost the end of Hootenanny, OB came up after me. I got up at 9, YB at 11 and OB had to be woken at 11:45!

I'm not doing resolutions, but I'd like to try a photo a day, mostly of my view (that'll be trickier this time of year). I also have some to-dos.

Cook dinner for the four of us.

This week
Clothes shopping for YoungBloke, most of whose trousers are short.
Start new book.
Start knitting blanket for a friend's baby, due Feb.
Tidy my side of the bed.
Colour my hair.

This month
Get my rings removed.
30th anniversary reunion of nurse-training set.
Restart Grand Citron shawl (frogged yesterday at section 6 for too many errors I'd spot if no-one else would!)
Filing all the papers.

This year
Sort out all the photos. Currently a decade's worth on the PCs and none printed for viewing.
Finish YB's bedroom.
Pick a room to redecorate.

Today's view is a bit dreary now the rain has cleared away the last of the snow.

reading, knitting, photo, to do

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