(no subject)

Mar 10, 2012 14:21

So, I've been rather quiet recently - goodness knows why.

Actually, I do. I've been spending a lot of time a) playing Castleville on FB and b) knitting. There is a veritable baby boom in my vicinity. It started last year - 2 PhD students took maternity leave and two researchers, one lecturer, one prof and one PhD student became dads. The last five all got something knitted.

This year, it's all the women. The first baby was born in Feb. The new lecturer is due any day. My lovely assistant L goes on maternity leave at the end of this month for a year (how will I cope?!). Another lecturer, G, is due at the start of July, and my train buddy B is due in August. Those three women are special to me - my assistant is ace, my lecturer, well, we started work around the same time, I remember when she interviewed to move from a research post to lecturing - I was on standby that day because she was heavily pregnant. As it was, she started having mild contractions during the interview, was offered the job, had her going-on-maternity do the next day, went home and went into labour. So her first year as a lecturer was maternity leave... And my train buddy, well, we've spent two hours a day together for the last three years. They all need something more than a hat. Which reminds me, I need to knit a hat for the impending baby. I get two half-hour sessions a day on the train (if I get a seat) and then knit in the evenings. Things get knitted.

So. L's baby is getting a cardigan and matching hat, which are finished, and a blanket, which isn't. It's getting bigger, but I'm on the third 100g ball of yarn and I'm not half-way through. Which means a lot more knitting. I have till May, when the baby's due, but I want to finish before she starts her leave at the end of the month. I should be knitting now!

I'm planning a cardigan and matching hat for G, and the same for B, plus a blanket - but I can't make anything for her on the train, because I want it to be a surprise!

And on top of that, I want to knit something for the Ag show in June, but haven't decided what yet. And I should learn to knit continental style to save my joints!


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