(no subject)

Jul 25, 2011 00:43

Omg siren's pull. This is ridiculous. Why is a wikipage good enough for every other hetalia character's history except the one I apped?

I don't even.

Austria isn't Canada.(Most of the mods live in canada or something. idk) It didn't get discovered 200 years ago and then not do anything remotely interesting to the world till WWI. It's 1000 years old and was a god damn word power for most of that time. It was in just about EVERYTHING.

Technically two. Since. You know Hitler was Austrian.

There's a ton of important shit that I would have to outline and talk about. LIKE. A TON. Like. EVERYTHING. And I don't even understand the little!austria medieval crap well enough to summarize it.

OR. I can go through all of Austria's strips and write a paragraph summaries about the "important" ones.

...Are you fucking kidding me?

One applicant decided to go over board on her history because she was competing with another applicant for the character and now her OCD application standards are being applied to all future hetalia applicants?

Give me a break. If you're going to be this nit picky about something this stupid I don't even think I would have fun at this game.

I'm pissed that I even wasted my time on this bullshit. This is the exact reason I didn't want to app Austria and I was told that all I would have to do is link his character wikipage and Austria's history wikipage and that would be it. I wouldn't have to do some idiotic ridiculous recap of 1000 years of Austria shoving his pointy aristocratic nose in all of Europe's business or summarize all the IMPORTANT comic strips he was ever in.

**no offense to canadians. or austrians. or. idek i'm just mad. damn it
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