
(no subject)

Feb 12, 2009 09:09

Life of LB:
I don't think it's totally necessary to write "Life of LB" anymore because I haven't stalked anyone in so long. I could write about my regular customers or the people who live in my building that I rarely see but often hear. But, I feel that I've lost it. My spark. My stalky-stalky-stalky. Instead I'm becoming more and more stocky and introverted and I rarely if ever go outside.

I will say this: I love Styx. My god. I mean, you want to tango with the Queen of Spades? Forget about it.

Today, I'm going to do all the things I would normally do tomorrow and do all the things I would have done today then. You see? The logic astounds and amazes.
I'm trying to be happy even though I want to take someones head off. Delusional sociopath.

Be good.

Today's Discussion Topic:
Best Styx songs ever...and......BEGIN!
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