
Go On Adam Touch My Face.

Jan 30, 2007 10:43

Life of K:
Has the girl resorted to writing bad poetry on the inside of old chip bags and posting them on the internet? Oh, I think she has. An open letter to the emo community - don't try this at home.

"The Trouble With George"

George was a boy who lived by the sea.
Wading in sometimes but only to his knees.
Following debris 'til he stumbled on two sails,
Three old masts and a girl with a tail.

She tried to crawl away but he lunged for her skin.
So sweet, so soft, so fragranced with absinthe.
Despite her struggle she knew what she wanted
The mind of this poor boy enraptured - enchanted.

They lived together in blissful harmony
Never had George known such intense beauty.
Until one day in such a peaceful place
That girl reached up and pulled off her face.

“No!” George cried, “Don’t do this to us!”
Her face was frozen in hideous rigor mortis.
She let out a scream and threw him to the waves.
It’s funny in death how all men will behave.

Now George never travels to the shores by the sea.
His hips are severed - sliced by the guillotine.
His legs are stitched together like the marks of his sails
And that’s what happens when you trust a girl with a tail.

The End.

The chips inspire my mind and waistline. Give me more for more.

Be good.
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