fucking fantastic!!

May 23, 2005 14:49

Hey I though this thing would be deleted by live journal by now? guess not.... Yawwn... I just got outa school, it's almost over! High school was a waist if you ask me and i'm really not gonna miss it... SO in a few min I have to go meet Andrea's mom cause she wants to know who I am... maybe one or 2 of you may know her but I'm going to my prom with her she works at raffa's, she's fun.... SO I'm looking forward to thursday. prom last year was soo much fun!! Jon's coming home in the middle of june which is effing sweet time to cause a roces!!!! I will be working 2 jobs this summer and the other is with my causin financing my cousin is awesome soo i'll have a good time and make some real money for a change.... I'm hoping to buy a brand new car by the end of summer in cash... anyone wanna buy mine???? 3,000 or best offer ??? well after I meet andrea's mom she has work tonight and lindsey an I are finally going to hang out again.... soo I have no idea how todays going to go exactly but it will be fun.... Also I haven't updated in a long time but sence I'm not with karen anymore i'v ben a pretty happy kid with everything! I effing hate her :o) lol.... see ya

- antone
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