this weekend is the BIG 4th of July weekend. lets see, wut am i doin this weekend....aBsoLuteLy nothing!!!! ugh..i hate not havin a car, cuz i cant go newhere. i'm basically stuck in my house or wait until my boi comes and get me. ugh....dayum insurance ppl!!!
newho, last sunday june 29th, oo dat wuz my haLf b-DaY!! we went to the 23rd annual tAstE of cHicAgo. tons and tons of diff food to try, pretty cool. the weather wuz pretty good, not too hot (cuz there wuz no sun) and not too cold (around 80 degrees). one thing that wuz kinda odd wuz that there were pizza stalls every block! omg, dat is way too much, and besides, they all taste the same except diff toppings. well, wutever. since we took public transportation to get there, we had to catch the 6.25pm express train, otherwise, we wouldnt hav to wait til an hr later for the next train. we left the taste at around 6.00pm and the uNioN stAtiOn is quite a walk, so we basically power walked. that wuz the most exercise i've done in the past umm half yr?? i'm soOoo frEakN laZy!!! umm so while on the train, there wuz this baby and she wuz squealin at the top of her lungs, the eNtiRe ride (an hr), keep in mind that we were exhausted from walkin around, but whenever you would start to fall asleep, she'd start either screamin or laughin at the top of her lungs!!! omg, soOOo annoyin! so then i came home cuz i had to study for a cAlc qUiZ, which i did pretty well on *pats self on back*, besides the fact that i was exactly an hr late to class cuz i ddnt set my alarm at the right time.
next is Wednesday (july 2nd)
so my friend from class, phil, came over to do a last minute crammin session. we were pretty stumped on some questions where we had to solve for y, like..... 4x+12y2+3y=0. so ya....??? grrr...
well, when our brains were both fried, we decided to hav a jam session. phil has been playin the guitar for about 2 yrs now so he's been teachin me a few things. pretty kewl. he taught me ['i wish u were here' | incubus], and ['flake' | jack johnson]. he's a really good teacher.
so finally, down to today, thursday (june 3rd)
took the midterm, took the entire class 2hrs to finish, then for the last half hr, he wont over the answers, turned out i got an 82, but dats a rough estimate. he said that he might curve it....*hope*.....
well, i might go see T3 later on tonite w/ mah boi and a bunch of ppl from around here...i heard it wuz gonna b a good movie so we'll c...dats bout it for now tho, update soon! hopefully w/ pics. check bak soon!