
(no subject)

May 08, 2004 23:20

And Konstantine is walking down the stairs, doesn't she look good standing in her underwear.. kaci is a goddessxcore says:
my Kacistine is walking down the stairs, doesn't she look good standing in her manny shorts

I fucking love Laura. No one else could carry off something like that. Fucking brilliant.

My skateboard, relevant safety gear and shortchange bag came today. I am now just too cool. As I cannot skate, I am going to try and sell the board. I went to some skate shops and they all valued it at £130. Not bad methinks for a phonecall and a bit of kelkoo whorage.

I need to get my hair cut by someone who knows what they are doing before I start to grow it. The layers all need sorting out. And I am contemplating going back to my naturalish colour?

I went to go replace my Story of the Year ticket today and because I had lost my old ones the nice woman gave me a big Thursday poster, said I could have the SOTY one when it came down and gave me a smaller poster for a band called The Living End. I haven't heard of them, but the poster is pretty. I also got my yellow knickers for "house colours day". Whoever came up with that idea needs to be shot. I bet it was the same person who decided that eyllow would be a good house colour. So for me it will be all black with yellow girly boxers sticking out the top of my man shorts. Fantastique. If they complain then I will draw on myself with a yellow pen. House colours day is also exactly a week before Coheed. Which is exactly a week this thursday. So just over 2 weeks to go. I am so fucking excited it isn't funny. I haven't bought my ticket yet. It doesn't seem to be possible to get them in cash anywhere. So anyone that wants to come, let me know and I will book your ticket along with mine. I also want to know who is supporting. No where seems to say. I am also keeping my fingers crossed that BrandNew decide they want to suddenly play somewhere in London when they support Incubus. And I want to go see Days in December tomorrow evening but I don't think I can afford it. There are so many gigs comming up that I want to go to that I can't afford. Most tend to be bands that aren't my favourites but I still like so it isn't that bad.

I think my eyesight is getting worse as well. I keep having to wear my glasses all the time otherwise I get migranes. Goddamned eyes. And my ripped tragus thing seems to be healing, so it is time for a couple of cuff piercings in the opposite ear.

I think I am addicted to this song that Laura played me a few days ago. It makes me want to dance. And it got me out of my Konstantine-y mood.
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