i think because of the fact i took too long...He moved on...he called but i didnt call him back so now he decides to go with a friend of mines....it makes me kind of upset because it is my fault in a way because i had problems and i was afraid i took too long to call him....but why did he look good today...he had no shirt on because he was playing a basketball game at lunch...shit elysia im sooo stupid..well i know next time what to do when another boy comes....i dont think it is cool for me to call him and i really dont want to call now because our relationship is reallly weird now like we talk we are friends.. but not as much tho damn.... i feel rejected
What should i do???....comments
my favorite shirt...that shit is sooo funny to me because i always say that in my head when some people are talking to me..thass all lol comments