Sep 05, 2015 14:35
A four year absence is certainly a long time, of course things have changed with LJ, I suspect most people like myself have gravitated to other communities such as Facebook etc. And LJ seems much quieter since.
Well since my last journal entry things have certainly changed, and honestly there's been a heck of a lot.
I'm currently working as an admin assistant for my partner David who is a chartered surveyor, we've been together since December 2011, and lived together since October 2012 however I'm still married, but Colin and I have decided to finally divorce.
Nat has just entered Year 11 of school, this year will be devoted to his GCSE's, and he's really growing up fast.
I'm doing a OU Open degree a combination of Design (architecture/Product design etc) and Business. I finish this in 2018.
I decided to take a trip down memory lane and check in on Live journal and reading back on the past entries brought back a bit of laughter, the sad things make me smile a bit as I managed to get through all the things I was sad about.
Things are great here for me now, very happy, and Nat is too.
Apologies to all those I have ignored over the last few years, really should have never stopped being in contact. We all move on but I should never have forgotten my friends on LJ.
Speak again soon
Ren xxx