Nov 20, 2004 09:45
That darlin' thing is amazing bc i say that to like everyone. Haha.. hmm.. last night Jason and i hung out. We watched Eternal Sunshine and went to Sweet Treats around 8:30. Ashley, Tiffany, and John somebody were there. They all sang and John played guitar as well. They did an awesome job! They did..Dashboard, Taking Back Sunday, some originals, and Finch ..Letters to you. I got chills when they did that one because it's an awesome song and they were just awesome last night. Justin ended up showing up but we were about to leave. Brooke came and sat with us for a little bit. She was drunk, and she couldnt even keep herself up. When Jason and i left, she fell down the stairs and burnt me with her cigarette in the process. I think it is so stupid for people to get drunk and then drive. Her friends that she was with were all drunk and the one girl was driving. Seriously..drinking isnt cool. Jason "bummed a smoke" later that night in the car. HAHAHAHA!!!
I met his parental units last night for the first time ever. And ive known him for over a year. Oh man.. it was funny because they have a confederate flag in their house and that just made me wanna go "woah nelly." but i got through it and left about 15 minutes later.
Well, today Megan, Becky and i are going to collect food for the soldiers, then i have work..if i can get rid of this ungodly headache, and then tonight.. i get off at 9. Maybe ill do something, doubtful though. Probably just
Well, i will write more later. Until then...hahaha