The Following is Random Thoughts as generated by Sleep Deprivation...
Sleep Deprivation is a registered trademark of Sandman Industries
- I find it odd that I like music only when everyone else hates it... spice girls... that one titanic song... Jefferson starship... uh... I got other's I'm sure.
- Peace... Peace? I hate the word. As I hate all montague's and thee.
- Tuna isn't chicken.
- The fear of god is the beginning of all knowledge --> Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil --> Man Eats fruit --> God fears man.
- Likewise: Mammals have hair --> Whales are Mammals --> Whales have hair --> Shave the whales!
- If Tuna IS chicken then would Salmon be like... turkey or something?
- Speaking of salmon, they need better PR people. I mean they got in the word Salmonella, and that ain't good for business.
- Hey, would you like to see a bear riding a motorcycle?
- DO I!
- Does ANYONE know how to properly use the word "Kafkaesque"?
- Spelunking is a very funny word for a very dangerous sport.
- ESPN = Spelunking... ESPN2 = Whale Anus Spelunking (God bless Xtreme sports).
- You're watching ESPN8, THE OCHO!
- If you genetically Spliced Jesus and Abraham you would make a lot of people angry.
- Welcome to the main event, tonight Jesus takes on Abraham, Buddha and Muhammad. My co-commentator tonight is the one and only Zoroaster. Let's GET READY TO RUMBLE!
- I just lost four readers... poo.
- Hook is a good movie damnit!
- POGO!!!
- meh is a weird word. It can be used as an expression of indifference or the sound The Cheat makes.
- Turkey Dogs are good food, but would make terrible pets.
- Turkey bacon is just plain confusing...
- Hey, Nena and Rammstein have TWO things in common! They're both from Germany and both remade their songs into English.
- I found more Chubbles on eBay for like 3 for $5. YES!
- Chris Rock is funny. The Rock is just annoying.
- You ever wonder if Charlie Brown would of gone on a school shooting in his high school years?
- Bed! Go To Bed! I'm gonna Go To Bed! Go To Bed! (To tune of 'Du Hast')
BTW, I finally found a video of Robin Williams performing 'Blame Canada' at the Oscars. Yay!
(K) <--- Strange things are afoot in the mind of Circle K. hehe.