Dear Anime 'Dub' Fans And Release Groups

Apr 01, 2010 04:07

I have just spent the last week - SEVEN WHOLE FUCKING DAYS (And most of the nights as well) fixing hundreds of 'broken' .mkv files. This has made me VERY ANGRY, so I would like to have a little chat with you. Listen up:

I couldn't care less if you 'prefer to watch Anime in the English language' (Translation: I'm a fucking idiot who can't read subtitles or comprehend Japanese, so I need to have Anime 'dumbed down' to my level), hell, you can download and watch as much 'dubbed' Anime as you like.

But when a release is labeled 'Dual Audio', I FUCKING EXPECT THE JAPANESE AUDIO TRACK TO BE TRACK #1. I don't give A SHIT, NOT ONE, if this is the 'Golden age of dubbing', the shit still sucks ass. ALL OF IT.

I am SO FUCKING TIRED of wasting my time downloading DVDrips of complete series and then having to waste even more of it changing the goddamn flags on the audio tracks around. THANK THE GODDESS for EmmGunn and MKVtools, because of him your evil plans to force me to listen to even a second of that HORRIBLE SHIT have been thwarted.

Oh, and you can also stop it with those fucking 'OP - ED - Signs' subtitles as well. If you won't watch the whole episode subbed, you don't need to know what the goddamn signs say. Also, STOP LABELING THEM AS JAPANESE.

Just so you'll know just WTF I'm on about, I took some screen caps:



Just to teach you assholes a fucking lesson, I am going to download as many Dual Audio releases as I can, switch the track flags so that the Japanese audio is the default audio track, and then re-upload them to the internet. Just to annoy you further, I'll make sure the sub track is turned off as well xD

So yeah, all of you ignorant assholes can take your dubs (And your 'Fandubs' for that matter *retch*), and shove the straight up your goddamned asses.


Oh, and just to head off any possible contradictions from retaliating 'Dubbies':

1. All DVDrips are 'Dual Audio'. It turns out dumb fucks who watch Cartoon Network actually LIKE to hear people butchering two languages at once. I can't stop groups (Like [LIME]) from including the English audio, so if I want to watch HQ Anime, I *have* to download these. The only alternative is to track down old fansubs. Why should I be forced to watch a shit-quality/shit-encoded TV rip when I can get perfection?

2. Yes, it really *IS* a big fucking deal. It might be easy to switch tracks in VLC, but it is a pain in my ASS to do so when I am watching from my HD media player. When an episode starts out in English, switching audio tracks sometimes (35-40% of the time) causes playback issues, so I end up having to restart the episode over and over again until it plays correctly. Don't even try and blame it on my player, either - .mkv and .ogm files were not meant to be fucked around with 'on the fly'.

I know it looks like I'm blowing this whole thing out of proportion, and maybe on some level I am. But the fact remains that no matter what 'Dubbies' think, the majority of Anime fans still watch their Anime SUBBED and in JAPANESE. This is not an argument against the creation and/or sale of dubbed Anime. I'm sure there is a great market for it, and as I said above, I really don't care if people like it. Just keep it to yourselves and stop trying to force it on people like me. Srsly, shit needs to stop. Grow up a little bit, won't you?
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