May 22, 2008 12:42
We've finally been reunited with Mars, our cat from Korea! After months of valiant international struggle, mostly on Tiffany's end, Mars was put on a plane to NYC (for a pretty penny, mind you).
I fancy that he remembers us, or at least recognizes our smell or something. He's both familiar and different to me. He was pretty raucous as a kitten, always nipping at one's ankles, darting from room to room, and you could fight him like a dog. Of course in his calmer moments he could snuggle with the best of them. I would say in general he needed constant attention.
Well that part hasn't changed. But after being neutered, traumatized, and possibly overfed, our orange warrior-kitty is now like some fatassed New Age guru in a tie-dye T-shirt who's always trying to hug you or give out back massages.
Don't get me wrong, it's almost painfully endearing to have a big puff of fur that wants nothing more than to be held and petted. But lets just say I can't sleep in my own bedroom anymore. This cat's appetite for affection is eternal, and it's hard to fall asleep with a cat sitting on your face.
We think maybe he was separated from his mother too early, and he's trapped in some developmental stage. Sources on the internet corroborate this theory. I mean, when I have my shirt off he tries to... you know, suckle me. It's kind of like having a special child, I guess.