Exposing the house

Jan 15, 2013 21:04

As much as I like the bushes in front of my home--okay most of them anyway--they need annual pruning and it's been several years since they've been seen to. Mostly because having to maintain bushes is a new thing for me. But also because the house stood vacant for a couple years even before I moved in. Granted, they got a good make over for the sale brochure.

However, even with some hackery masquerading as pruning this past spring, the bushes were getting out of control. This is where we stood on December 24, 2012.

Yes. I was starting to worry about the bushes overtaking the house :) So this past weekend, I got to work and took care of everything but the holly bush. That's also going to get a good pruning, but I'm going to give myself a week or two to recover. In the meantime, house!

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