Yard Reclamation, Part I

Apr 30, 2011 14:47

Well, really, Part II--I planted daffodil bulbs right after moving in. Today I weeded the flower bed, and then between the shrubs in the front yard. Sorry, I didn't take before pictures.

As you can see, my one dogwood isn't doing too well. And even if I keep the bushes in the front, they have GOT to be cut way back.

This section was all just grass again, up to the bushes--I dug it out and planted daffodils. Except for that surprise plant on the left by the stairs. Not sure what it is, but it came back this spring by itself. I like it well enough that when the stairs get widened, it will be transplanted at the opposite end of the bed, near the driveway.

These bushes were completely overgrown between with weeds--weeds tall enough to completely hide the basement windows. Now you can clearly see that they need to be washed. Sort of win/lose :)

I plan to reclaim this side of the house next weekend. I don't like the yellow bushes at all--Jo thinks I should get rid of them and make the whole side roses. I think that's a good idea.
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