Don't judge

Apr 08, 2011 18:37

I just need a rant:

- What's with grandmothers who like to ka jeow (disturb) their grandchild at the most inopportune times e.g. when Clover is obviously dozing or even fucking asleep in manduca with ME CARRYING HER ON MY CHEST? And don't keep fucking tell her she is lovely, let her fucking sleep.

- My part time helper who I love otherwise likes to "talk" to Clover. But she's here from 3-6 pm which is when I'm trying very hard to cajole Clover into taking one last nap for the day. Undo my effort fucking twice a week. Can't wait for my full time helper to be here - hopes she is less chatty!

- I don't like to chat to people I pay for services rendered. That includes helper, hairdressers, manicurists, waxers (goodness you are causing pain to my nether regions please don't ask where I'm from and then proceed to fucking discuss Singapore or what not with me), masseuses, taxi drivers, etc. I'm not being mean but I'm paying to improve the quality of my life / for relaxation, I want peace and quiet not your views on politics or the best chicken rice.

- Clover is 2 months and 3 days old. She doesn't wave / talk / clap just because you ask her to. Stop over stimulating her. You get to go home I have to fucking pick up the pieces after! Stop making loud clicking / clapping / whatever sounds either, she's not fucking deaf!

- Please don't fucking tell me "she's only a newborn" and raised your eyebrows when I say we have a bedtime routine. If she never had reflux / colic, I'd GF her from week 2!!

- And fucking ex schoolmates with babies please don't go "she's on full breastmilk" when I asked a question on how you taught your daughter tummy time. So is Clover, so fuck off. On BM big ah?!

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via ljapp, c'est moi

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