Motherhood: Learning on the job II

Mar 30, 2011 14:10

1. I can breastfeed almost anywhere; restaurants, cafes, changing rooms, back of moving vehicles, etc. Just whip them boobies out I say. The odd thing is I have never BF in a designated nursing room!

2. I have the tenacity of carting around a 9 lb weight for > 6 hours a day. I kid you not. And the patience to sit her upright for 20 - 30 min even after the night feeds.

3. Lunch dates are the new DOs. And friends are great because they meant extra pairs of hands to carry a fussing baby. In relation to item 1. I can also BF at the table while eating with one hand and carrying on a conversation.

4. Clover smells divine while I smell like breast milk all the time. I can't help but smell and kiss her ALL THE TIME.

5. Seeing her grow in the last 7 weeks make me not wanna miss anything. No I'm not forgetting the tears, tantrums and pain; I still get frustrated at times. But I'd like to be her primary carer for a while longer.

6. Still not cooing all that much over other people's babies; only friends' children definitely not strangers'.

7. Babies are born a lot tougher than we give them credit for. Even if my darling is so tiny.

8. I cannot imagine doing this without Mr. P. (Though there are rare occasions where I feel he could do more.) Makes me wonder why would anyone want to do so without a supportive, hands-on spouse.

9. I need to read less baby books that stress me out. Each child is different; long as Clover is healthy and happy, she'll reach the milestones in her own time. She just need to know Mr. P and I loves her always and forever.

10. I pray for the strength to accept and not feel guilty when the time comes to supplementing with formula. I've done the best I could, if my boobs aren't keeping up there is no shame in feeding her formula. I grew up perfectly fine on FM. The most important thing is that she is healthy and growing.

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via ljapp, motherhood

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