Top Ten Thursday: First Trimester

Jul 23, 2010 13:45

With the proverbial cat out of the bag, this week's T10Thurs is on the first trimester (which is almost over!).

Top Ten Thoughts On The First Trimester

1. Fatigue
No one ever said it would get this bad. I was nearly dozing at my desk despite a solid 9-10 hours of sleep every night. Especially bad in weeks 4, 5 and 6!

2. Mood swings
I've become a sappy mess when watching in-flight movies. I don't know what it is with airports and planes, it's the only time I get super emotional. I am also less forgiving when it comes to stupidity or inefficiency and have been increasing bitchy. For Mr. P's sake, I hope the oscillations are getting less frequent.

3. Morning sickness
Happy to report, I wasn't affected (tempted to say at all). Occasional nausea in the morning, but it could be just because the peanut is hungry. Once I get a bite of anything in, it's gone.

4. Sensitive / sore boobs
Morning annoying than I expected. But it's been Mr. P's source of amusement; the fact that they are getting (slightly) bigger.

5. Food
I don't have much problem avoiding things I am not suppose to eat except for soft cheese - brie, camembert, stilton. But I have develop very specific aversions - pizza (?!?) and raw onions. My only cravings are spicy stuff and McD fries.

6. Size / Weight
Now that we are nearing the end of the first trimester, I am about 1-2 kg heavier, 70% of my clothes still fit, 20% are properly snugged and 10% I've given up on. My mid section is noticeably thickening (getting solid); not at all flattering. I guess the next few weeks are possibly the most frustrating size wise given that I am not yet (properly) showing but the pounds are starting to show. It's like getting fat without a valid reason. And I can't really shop for maternity clothes as yet. Argh!

7.  Travel
Nobody mentioned that beyond health reasons (miscarriage risk, etc), travel is a bitch because of no. 1-5 above. I'm fairly well-travelled and relatively non-fussy when it comes to food and accommodations; well, until this trip. I had a very difficult time mainly because of food - aversions plus can't do cold cuts nor soft cheese and my NEED for spicy food. What do they eat in Scandinavia? Cold cuts, soft cheese, salmon and picked herring. They also don't do spicy the way Asia does it. Great eh?

8. Mr. P
He is a king amongst men for having dealt with every single tantrum I've thrown at him, especially when we were away. He said to me very early on (when I was worrying and fretting about m/c risks and such), "It doesn't matter what happens, the most importantly thing is you are well and healthy. The most important person is you and having you for the rest of my life is more than enough."

All together now - AWW!

9. Excessive worrying
In the weeks prior to finding out about the pregnancy, I had a bad bout of food poisoning, sat in >35 degC hot tub on 3 separate occasions (about 1 hour each time) and drank way too much (it was my birthday okay!). Obviously those and being in the first trimester, I can't help but worry right?

10. Caffeine
Everyone says it's bad, you should avoid caffeine. But caffeine/coffee has been vindicated today; just read an article that research had shown that a 12 oz cup of coffee (or 4 8 oz cup of tea) does not increase risk of miscarriage or premature birth. So there, my one 奶茶 habit does not harm the peanut.

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