Oct 06, 2005 15:02

So that can either stand for Tour Time or Tool Time. You can choose.

I signed myself up for an all-day guided tour of Shanghai. I figured it was a quick easy way to get an injection of all the major sights.

I took a billion pictures so I'll pick out the highlights for you guys.

Bus time!

Jade Buddha Temple - the oldest buddhist temple in Shanghai. It was raining all day which lent the buildings
a smoky heady feel. Maybe it was the smoke from the incense.

And here's some of that!

Statues representing some of the different dimensions present in the buddhist world.

Workers moving one of the statues out of the rain to protect it.

You heard the sign

Shanghai silk museum. Here, the individual silk strands are extracted from each silkworm cocoon. I think.

Me touching the final dry strands

Part of the YuYuan Gardens

Part of the path inside the garden.

Look at all that koi!

More of the path

Hmm...decisions decisions

Rain falling against one of the temples

You get the idea

View of the Pudong area of Shanghai as seen from the Bund. That big thing in the middle is the oriental broadcast tower.

A nice couple from Mexico City that I met during the tour. Here we are at lunch. I would talk with them in Spanish, then translate into English/Cantonese to this Malaysian couple who was at our table. Who would then, in turn, say stuff in Indonesian and Mandarin to a group of Indonesian kids and a Chinese woman travelling by herself. Basically the malay couple spoke everything.

Carvings at the Shanghai arts and crafts museum.

A man doing cutouts at the museum - each person must apprentice for at least 3 years before you can be considered 'good' at cutting stuff into shapes.

Here, a man puts the finishing touches on what appears to be a glass blown....thing.

Outside of the Shanghai Museum of Natural History.

More of the entrance. I later slipped on those steps and fell down in front of everyone. Rain + Marble = Slippery.

And here now are a series of pictures from inside the museum. I think they're pretty self-explanatory so I'll just let the images speak for themselves.

Okay, I have to comment on this one. Many of the items in the museum had this little guy standing next to the placard. For the life of me, I could not figure out what he represents.

Walking home in the underground passageway. Goodnight!

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