it's funny how tact makes no difference in the end

Nov 15, 2005 01:44

so when you're frantically freaking out about something i guess it makes it all the worse when you divert your focus to something that you can't fucking find cuz you're looking in the WROOOOOOOOONG notebook

so unfortunately, leilian, you got the first frantic call as i was searching for ppl's numbers even tho i knew you weren't going to be there via your away msg simply cuz it was the only number someone else on line could provide me

eventually however i noticed that i had graffitied your guys' numbers with highlighter NOT in my Comparative Media book that I would deem worthy of such defamation but in my Intercultural reader - who would have thought

but then again, i did write those numbers down in another frenzied situation so i guess i didn't care what the fuck i was writing them down in

good thing i planned ahead and wrote them down last time


amazingly simply seeing the names and numbers of a few good friends on a page did wonders to calm me so that by the time i was actually able to talk to someone (chandra) i felt much much better and stupid for having feelings
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